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Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter Full Crack [serial Number]


About This Game Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter is a frantic arcade action FPS, featuring singleplayer and co-op campaign modes, various multiplayer modes, all presented in glorious VR with Croteam's new Serious Warp movement system.See what Sam sees, feel what Sam feels, and find out what it's like to BE the legend!KEY FEATURES:Serious Locomotion - Explore the levels using trackpad movement (if you are brave enough), go with safer built-in teleportation system and move quickly to avoid charging enemies with the help of Sam's personal translocator device or tweak and adjust the way you move through the VR space to best suit you playing style with using our own Serious Warp (tm) locomotion.Double the Gun, Double the Fun – Let go of the keyboard and gun down enemies in VR, one weapon in each hand, or dual-wield them, quadrupling your stopping power. Combine different guns or just grab two of the same, but whatever your style, remember: Mental must be stopped! Old School, New Engine - Hordes of enemies and non-stop action set against the expansive and visually stunning backdrop of ancient Egypt - all powered by the latest Serious Engine 2017 to create one of the most impressive VR experiences yet!Steam Workshop Support - where you will be able to submit your content creation or download new player-created modifications.Serious Sam Fusion 2017 integration - receive free updates for this game through the central hub. Oh, and play cross-platform with players of the "flat" version to find out what's the ultimate combo: hi-tech motion controllers or good old keyboard & mouse SINGLE PLAYER:Levels - Serious Sam is sent back through time to ancient Egypt to battle, explore and seek wisdom in 15 huge Egypt levels that also have over 80 secrets hidden and waiting to be discovered, in what is considered to be one of the most visually enjoyable VR experiences!Weapons - Play with a classic arsenal of 10 serious weapons including Colt, Chainsaw (!), Shotgun, Minigun and Cannon!Enemies - Go head to head against various enemies, including Sirian Werebull now charging at you in VR, while hearing Beheaded Kamikaze scream somewhere near by.THE Boss - Witness being VR stamped by almighty warlock giant Ugh-Zan III, who somehow managed to sneak behind you!Difficulty Settings - Choose between 5 difficulty settings to satisfy everyone, from FPS beginner and all the way to serious players! MULTIPLAYER:Up to 16 Players - Plunge into chaos with up to 16 players in various cooperative and versus modes, some playable in campaign levels, some in unique versus levels and some also in teams!Classic Co-Op - Plunge into chaos with up to 16 players in 15-level cooperative campaign mode, which is also fully customized like choosing difficulty, increasing enemies strength per player, turning on friendly fire or infinite ammo, setting respawn credits and much, much more!Coin-Op Co-Op - Play entire co-op campaign levels in classic 80's arcade style with limited lives!Beast Hunt and Team Beast Hunt - Compete against other players, or teams in Team Beast Hunt, hunting down various enemies to see who can get the best score at the end of each campaign level!Survival and Team Survival - Alone or with other team members, try to stay alive as long as you can against endless enemy attacks in specially designed survival map!Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch - Watch all hell break loose against other players or teams in classic deathmatch style!My Burden - Get highest score from collecting the points by holding the item, while others chase you to get hold of that item!Last Man Standing and Last Team Standing - Playing with only one life against each other, or as part of a team, try to be the last one alive!Capture the Flag - Grab a flag from other teams' base and bring it to your base for a score, while also defending your own flag!Instant Kill - One shot and you are gone! 7aa9394dea Title: Serious Sam VR: The First EncounterGenre: Action, IndieDeveloper:Croteam VRPublisher:Devolver Digital, CroteamFranchise:Serious Sam, Croteam, Croteam VRRelease Date: 30 Mar, 2017 Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter Full Crack [serial Number] serious sam vr the first encounter skidrow. serious sam vr the first encounter key. serious sam the first encounter vr test. serious sam vr the first encounter crack. serious sam vr the first encounter download. serious sam vr the first encounter. serious sam vr the first encounter review Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE is out in the wild!: Surprise! We're releasing Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE in 3, 2, 1... aaaand it's out! That's right, the game is already available. Grab your motion-controllers and start mowing down Mental's horde! Thinking of pulling the trigger? Do it now as there's a week-long 10% launch discount. We know that (virtual) reality can be tough so there's an additional automatic 10% discount available to all existing owners of Serious Sam 3: BFE. Thank you for supporting Croteam and Croteam VR! Sam VR bundle is updated as well so bundle owners can pick up Serious Sam VR: BFE with a 10% discount AND get an additional 40% off:'t own a single Croteam's VR game? Well, nobody's perfect but there's a quick fix: all our VR games are available as neatly packaged and deeply discounted bundle: & stay serious!. Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter update 333254 is available now!: Hey folks.We have gone ahead and released a new patch that brings some performance improvements and tweaks for people using Vulkan or DirectX 12.For those of you that take this gaming thing all serious, there's an official changelog below.Changelog. Update 291416 - Achievements, Languages, Linux, and more...: We've been stuck in the basement for more than a month trying to fix all the problems you've reported and implement new features you've asked for. Finally, we present you an update with the following major changes: Added achievements! All 26 achievements are now available for unlocking, most are new (i.e. not same as in TFE HD). Localization now works. Languages that were supported for TFE HD are now available. Some newer texts (like new menu options) are not yet translated. VR is now supported on Linux! Vulkan API supported and recommended for VR. This is waiting for updated SteamVR for Linux to be released. Once that is out, we will enable the Linux download for all owners. Note that this whole system is very early, and there might be problems with stability and performance Major improvements in teleporting and locomotion: Exiting water is easy now. Implemented "blink" teleport mode for VR. VR control options (choosing between continuous, telporting, etc) are simplified. Details still configurable under Advanced Controls submenu. Completely new system for VR teleportation while swimming/diving so it moves in a shown direction, not to a point. Added an option to disable VR teleport jumping. VR teleport jumping now requires a larger angle to initiate. Versus multiplayer servers can now force all players to use locomotion (i.e. forbid teleporting). Players are warned when joining such a server, to prevent unexpected motion sickness. Kbd+Mouse and Gamepad playing It is now possible to play the game out-of-the-box without tracked controllers (ie. with just a headset and keyboard+mouse, or gamepad). No custom adjustments needed. Removed vr_bVRHeadsetGameplay, as this is now automatic. Made it easier to use keyboard, mouse or gamepad to navigate the menus when in VR.As well as various other smaller changes and fixes: Fixed some crashes when toggling VR SLI. Emulated VR now uses cvar vr_bEmulatedVRControllers to determine input handling. Changed highlighting of switches so that players can easily see switches in VR, yet far away secrets are not revealed. Game's ini file renamed in preparation for Fusion. Fixed some sounds not playing correctly when OpenAL is used as internal sound device. Left hand weapon is no longer mirrored, so eventual texts on it will not look inverted. In-game TFE Ending credits are now visible in VR. Fixed randomly garbled text on "are you sure you want to exit" dialog and related crashes. Fixes and optimizations for OpenGL in VR. Fixed inventory being lost when loading savegame that was saved at the start of level. Screen areas not visible due to HMD lens distortion are now masked and don't render, yielding better performance Karnak Temple level didn't support some playing modes. Fixed the "playing time" being reset after loading a savegame. Fixed some bigger enemies not being able to climb stairs and other obstacles. Fixed darker display on right eye when using RiftCat on some devices. Fixed switches not working correctly in multiplayer in some cases. Fixed sounds, muzzleflashes etc on some weapons not playing in some cases. Fixed SS1 key items displaying +1 when picked up. Fixed incorrect HUD text when picking up a weapon for the first time. Fixed exiting water, jumping and various other movement problems in VR. Fixed some enemies having wrong reaction times, especially on crossover between melee and shooting range. Mixed Reality now supports portrait camera mode. This makes it easier to fit a human actor inside the frame. Fixed various smaller gameplay an visual issues in the levels. Playerlist can now be invoked in VR multiplayer. Some menu buttons in some menus were clipped. Fixed. (Most notably in Mixed Reality Wizard, Credits menu, etc)As always, if you are finding this update to have problems, you can roll back to the old version using the "previousversion" beta.. Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter update 408305 is live now: Hey guys. We have another update for you. This one is not that big in size, but fixes some of the issues that were missed in the latest patch. We have also realized that some of you have been experienced a performance drop after the last patch. This was due to the new system we use for shadows and the higher shadow resolution. This was readjusted so you should see a performance boost on higher settings now.The update is a part of the Fusion update of the same number, so please find the full changelog by following the link below: Serious Sam VR: THe First Encounter Update 307319 released: Here are the changes:Gameplay:- You can now choose Mental difficulty if any of the games (TFE, TSE, BFE) are completed on Serious.- Third person camera can now be placed directly behind player (instead of over the shoulder).- Fixed cases where hitscan weapons were generating "fake hits" in detahmatch on higher pings.- Gibbed players were not respawning automatically. Fixed.- Long load progress bar (with "Continue" button) was sometimes shown for Quick loads. This should now work correctly.- User is not able to activate serious bomb while another one is active.- Removed SeriousBomb from GiveAllCheat in SeriousSamHD.- Fixed Kukulkan moving up after reloading a save.- Fixed a case where "Autoselect Weapon if New" didn't work.- Fixed some moving platforms being positioned wrong after loading a saved game.Rendering:- Updated Vulkan SDK to version.- Added workaround for wrong lens-flares' rendering on ATI GPUs under Vulkan.- Fixed sniper scope rendering wrong in VR in some cases.- Fixed visual issues with large polygons and omni and spot lights' shadows.- The duration for "Unlimited" benchmarking was 10 minutes in fact. Fixed.- Fixed visual issue with detail normal-map attenuation not working in ambient light in some situations.- Fixed problem with Zoom shader not working correctly in single-pass VR rendering mode sometimes.Modding:- ForceFields can now be deactivated using SS1Triggers.- Added ability to change puppet's alignment.- Fixed non-moddable game crashing on boot if a mod with custom CommandTable scripts was installed.- Fixed the issue with editor crashing when creating new world while there are custom game titles in content.- Netricsa should now be able to use non-official models.Serious Editor:- Model editor: added an option to display and select attachments without models- HyperLabelControl now allows one to copy selected text into the clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C keyboard shortcut.- Fixed various problems with paint to texture tool:- rendering of preview texture didn't respect z-buffer,- blending in RGB channels mode now works correctly- RGB channels mode no longer blends thru alpha channel even if texture has one.- Resource Browser: Made the quick search input field white- Fixed a crash when accessing invalid mesh layer element.- Tree Grid control: Previous search text is now restored when user hits Ctr+F for the second time- Model Editor Default tool: Implemented lasso selection for attachments- Model Editor: Implemented attachments stretching using PRS guide (Ctrl+Shift+LMB)- Text Control: Replaced bookmark symbols with icons- Model Editor: Added an option to display orientations of attachments- Skeleton Editor: Added "Copy selected bone names" command to the context menu of bone selector- Added Tool Help command to "Help" menu in the main application toolbarMisc:- A few more fixes in formatting and visual appearance of the text chat window.- More detailed logging of the cases when crashreporter is not able to contact the reporting server.. Build 285099: Build 285099 is released, with the following changes:- Fixed a crash that could occur when saving and loading game.- Fixed a crash that could happen in some cases when using the virtual keyboard.- Fixed an issue in multiplayer where clients would jump when using a switch.- Fixed slow underwater movement.If you experience issues with this update, please use "previousversion" beta from Steam>SSVR:TFE>Properties>Betas to roll back.. Build 301625 for Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter is released!: Here are the changes:General:- Fixed crash due to inability to create Player Puppet entity on some configurations.- Jump height is no longer frame-rate dependent even when sliding along walls.- Fixed crash when loading a save with dynamically spawned SS1 rotating cannons.- Fixed broken lava elementals when loading a save that was saved during their spawn animation.- Starting the game with +level now works with level paths in local OS format (backslashes and all).- Fixed sorting order of workshop files. They now override regular game gro files because they are sorted correctly.- Fixed problem with crumbs casting shadows even when theirs rendering was disabled.- Fixed some lighting artefacts happening in specific places.- Fixed some GLSL shader compiling errors on OSX platform.- Various stability and performance improvements in Vulkan.- Misc optimizations in model instancing.- Small optimization in rendering of dynamically spawned enemies.VR specific:- Fixed weird acceleration if VR player moved around playspace while the game is paused.- Added flat-friendly mode in multiplayer servers.. Update 304646 for Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter is released!: Here are the changes...Gameplay:- Fixed enemies playing idle sounds instead of footstep sounds on every walk cycle.- Ammo cannot be picked if there is already a maximum amount in the inventory.- Fixed some non-spawning enemies on LotB.- Double colt was playing mirrored animations in some cases. Fixed.- For some reason, the Highlander Reptiloids spawned a small, green blood decal when killed, instead of the big red puddle as they did in SSHD (and their regular reptiloids do). Fixed.- Pillars in the Khnum boss' room in LotB can be destroyed by the boss again.- Fixed some items disappearing after load game in rare cases.Multiplayer:- Fixed enemies prefering the first player in the list in coop in some rare cases.- Fixed multiplayer desync issues if vr_fVRWeaponPitchAdjustment used on clients.Menus:- Serious Sam games now have the Benchmark menu, just like Talos did.- Moved graphics API selector to the top of gfx options.- Enabled resolution and view mode options for VR games.- Moved the refresh button in Join Game menu so it doesn't overlap the game list.- Fixed wrong description of number of lives in Standard coop in some places.- Fixed netricsa hud element being visible in game modes which do not support netricsa.- Many various fixes in usability and readability in chat console, both for flat and VR.Graphics:- Updated GPU performance table for autoadjustments.- Fixed bug with flickering on burning objects under OpenGL/ES. (Also fixed player appearing effect!)- Fixed various cases where flamethrower flames didn't appear on some objects.Editor/modding:- Added Generic Script tool. This allows creating new Editor tools from Lua!- It is now possible to easily change the difficulty in editor: instead of going through the simulation start params and clicking the difficutly, you can just set the gam_gdEditorDifficultyOverride cvar to desired difficulty (or none = 0 if you want to disable that).- Deletion of animation envelope will now also delete its animation tracks.- Animation clips/tracks from unselected envelopes are now dimmed in animation track editor.- Skeleton editor: Added movable splitter between LOD and bone lists- Animation editor: Added "Create channel" shortcut to Envelope list context menu- Skeleton editor: Added one more movable splitter to the bottom panel- Animation editor: Added one more movable splitter to the bottom panel- Script Source Edit control: Added command to set cursor to a variable pointing at selected entity (Shift+F2)- Text control: Fixed long strings not fitting the screen.- Text control: Added automatic scrolling for left/right cursor movement using arrow buttons.- Animation Editor: Fixed wrong order of animations when using Shift+Up/Down with no filter string- Added ability to assign parent for the static sound entity form the script.- Optimized saving non-world resource files from within the context of a world document.- Starting a simulation on a world with a game title for which game title info doesnt exist should not crash the editor anymore. It will just refuse to run the simulation.- Fixed several various small precision bugs with respect to how probe lights and prebaked lightmaps are generated.- Meta Pointer control: Dialog for selecting targets now always shows all available targets- Animation editor: When animations are changed using Shift+Up/Down, the currently selected envelope remains selected if possible.- Script Source Edit control: Shift+F2/Ctrl+Shift+F2 to cycle variables (forward/backward) pointing at selected entity- Created scriptable support for adding any kind of postprocessing layers to player view. Layers have some ID and can be added, modified or removed on demand.- Interpolator Editor tool: Added shortcut (Tab)- Copy Attachment Names tool: Added shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+C)- Added mask texture to Zoom shader which specifies (in red channel!) how much zoom to apply at each given texel.


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